Wednesday, 19 August 2015

King Of Wonders

After a week of interviews, we set off on the long bumpy road to discover a place called Musana Camp. Its description pretty much sounded like paradise so I told myself it sounded too good to be true…

We arrived exhausted and looked up to have our breaths taken away by millions of stars in the ebony night sky and immediately the theme of our weekend emerged beautifully in a song that we couldn’t help but sing – “King of wonders, we stand amazed! There’s no other, other than you. King of wonders, you know the way to our hearts. And, the more we see, the more we love you.”

I awoke early the next day, desperate for a wee. Not really wanting to get out of my mozzie net and find the long drop, I tried to hold it in and go back to sleep. No good. I needed to go. So I got out of my sleeping bag, crawled under my mozzie net, unzipped the tent door… And stood with my jaw wide open.

This is the view of Musana. Its beauty is too much to take in. A spacious green field, bursting with trees and crazily cool birds, overlooks Lake Victoria, which stretches as far as the eye can see with islands in full view too. I was so thankful then to be awake. I was far too excited to go back to sleep, simply wanting to absorb as much time as possible in this stunning place. Musana truly is a beautiful spiritual retreat where we had the opportunity think about and chat through what God has been teaching us here and importantly how that is going to impact the way we live.

Walking through an African forest is something I have always wanted to do and it was not something I had expected to experience during this mission trip. It was an incredible surprise and a real treat for me to hike through the amazing equatorial forest to Mutunyu Falls. We walked and skipped and ran very fast (to avoid the biting ants which cause much pain) along paths, over streams and logs to eventually end up at this gem of a waterfall – WOW. Isn’t God’s glory revealed so wonderfully through creation? We so enjoyed our time there standing under the cool waters singing and shouting for joy in praise.

 Later, we played football by the lakeside after canoeing on the lake to some small islands. Our God is a good Father and he knows how to give good gifts, he loves to bless us even though we are so undeserving.

Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.’ – 1 Timothy 6:17.

 On the Sunday, we had the golden opportunity to experience their church, which is booming with children from local villages. God’s presence was so tangible there as we worshiped in the midst of God’s breath-taking nature. Quite incredible…

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